Boult Wade Tennant
People » Dr Nadia Tyler-Rubinstein

Dr Nadia Tyler-Rubinstein

Senior Associate


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  • CIPA
  • Registered UPC Representative
  • European Patent Attorney
  • Chartered Patent Attorney
  • Certificate in Intellectual Property Law, Queen Mary University of London
  • PhD Clinical Sciences Metabolism and Disease, Imperial College London
  • BSc (Hons) Molecular Biology with Industrial Experience, University of Manchester

Whilst finalising my PhD at Imperial College, I considered various careers that would grant me the opportunity to learn something entirely new whilst still allowing me to use the scientific knowledge I had acquired over the years. Patent law really appealed to me as it sits at that rare intersect between science, law and business.

Boult was my first choice of firm because it has such a strong focus on high quality training. I joined the biotech team and qualified with the firm.

I particularly enjoy managing a client’s global patent portfolio and formulating strategies to obtain the best possible protection for their ideas despite varying practices around the world. This requires staying on top of changes to local laws in different countries and maintaining good contacts with foreign attorneys around the globe.

Patent law can make global news headlines, especially in the biotech sphere. Accordingly, the importance of having a working patent system in the healthcare sector that can meet client demands internationally cannot be underestimated. For this reason, I enjoy aspects of the job that require an understanding of drug regulatory approval processes, marketing authorisations, and how these interconnect with the patent system – such as via the granting of Supplementary Protection Certificates (SPCs). These processes require a strong crossover in commercial and technical understanding, and I appreciate the challenge of using my skills in supporting our clients on this type of matter.

Outside of work, I remain engaged with the world of academia, and have previously assisted as an editor for an online science and technology journal.

Recent experience

Coordinating the filing of a number of SPC applications for various biopharmaceutical companies, ensuring their lead therapeutics receive adequate protection in Europe.

Successfully defending an important patent for our client relating to stem cell therapies during opposition proceedings.

Assisting on the preparation of an infringement and invalidity analysis for a leading pharmaceutical company, ultimately filing an opposition on its behalf.

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  • As mentioned previously
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“I particularly enjoy managing a client’s global portfolio and formulating strategies to obtain the best possible protection for their ideas despite varying practices around the world.”
Sector Experience
  • Antibody engineering
  • Antibody manufacture and formulation
  • Drug delivery
  • Gene editing (e.g. CRISPR)
  • Genomic and molecular tools and methods
  • Immuno-oncology (e.g. checkpoint inhibitors; modified T cells)
  • Next generation sequencing
  • Nucleic acid synthesis
  • Personalised medicine/disease biomarkers
  • Recombinant protein production and purification
  • Stem cell therapies
  • Supplementary protection certificates (SPCs)
  • Synthetic biology
  • Therapeutic antibodies
Medical devices and diagnostics 
  • Drug delivery
  • In vitro diagnostics

Whilst finalising my PhD at Imperial College, I considered various careers that would grant me the opportunity to learn something entirely new whilst still allowing me to use the scientific knowledge I had acquired over the years. Patent law really appealed to me as it sits at that rare intersect between science, law and business.

Boult was my first choice of firm because it has such a strong focus on high quality training. I joined the biotech team and qualified with the firm.

I particularly enjoy managing a client’s global patent portfolio and formulating strategies to obtain the best possible protection for their ideas despite varying practices around the world. This requires staying on top of changes to local laws in different countries and maintaining good contacts with foreign attorneys around the globe.

Patent law can make global news headlines, especially in the biotech sphere. Accordingly, the importance of having a working patent system in the healthcare sector that can meet client demands internationally cannot be underestimated. For this reason, I enjoy aspects of the job that require an understanding of drug regulatory approval processes, marketing authorisations, and how these interconnect with the patent system – such as via the granting of Supplementary Protection Certificates (SPCs). These processes require a strong crossover in commercial and technical understanding, and I appreciate the challenge of using my skills in supporting our clients on this type of matter.

Outside of work, I remain engaged with the world of academia, and have previously assisted as an editor for an online science and technology journal.

Recent experience

Coordinating the filing of a number of SPC applications for various biopharmaceutical companies, ensuring their lead therapeutics receive adequate protection in Europe.

Successfully defending an important patent for our client relating to stem cell therapies during opposition proceedings.

Assisting on the preparation of an infringement and invalidity analysis for a leading pharmaceutical company, ultimately filing an opposition on its behalf.

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  • As mentioned previously
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