Boult Wade Tennant

Legal notice

General information
Any reference to Boult Wade Tennant, Boult Wade Tennant LLP, Boult Wade, the firm or we/us/our should be read as referring to Boult Wade Tennant LLP or, if the context so requires, to its related entity Boult Wade, S.L.

United Kingdom
Boult Wade Tennant LLP is a Limited Liability Partnership registered in England and Wales, Registered Number OC421876.

Any reference to a “partner” of a Boult Wade Tennant LLP means a member of or a salaried partner of Boult Wade Tennant LLP (unless the reference is in relation to individuals working in Madrid for Boult Wade, S.L., when any such reference indicates their status in relation to Boult Wade, S.L. only – see elsewhere on this website for legal information about Boult Wade, S.L.).

A list of members of Boult Wade Tennant LLP is available for inspection at the registered office at Salisbury Square House, 8 Salisbury Square, London EC4Y 8AP, United Kingdom and is available on our website and at Companies House for England and Wales.

In accordance with the disclosure requirements of the Provision of Services Regulations 2009, our professional indemnity insurer is Pamia Ltd. Scope of the insurance cover: any events insured under our professional indemnity insurance which are caused by the insured, wherever in the world they occur.

Nothing in our communications should be taken to indicate that Boult Wade Tennant LLP or Boult Wade, S.L. are unlimited liability undertakings or general partnerships.

The VAT Number of Boult Wade Tennant LLP is GB 243 1067 95.

The members of Boult Wade Tennant LLP and all United Kingdom based individuals designated “partner” and all qualified patent and trade mark attorneys whose details are on this website are Registered Patent Attorneys and/or European Patent Attorneys and/or Registered Trade Mark Attorneys.

Insofar as Boult Wade Tennant LLP provides services in the United Kingdom, the firm and all its Registered Patent Attorneys and Registered Trade Mark Attorneys are regulated by: The Intellectual Property Regulation Board (IPReg).

A copy of the IPReg’s Code of Conduct can be found on their website here.

Additionally European Patent Attorneys of Boult Wade Tennant LLP are regulated by: The Institute of Professional Representatives before the European Patent Office (EPI). A copy of the EPI’s Code of Conduct can be found on their website here.

Boult Wade Tennant is a European IP firm, which outside the United Kingdom operates through branch offices in Frankfurt and Munich (see link below) and via a separately constituted and regulated legal entity Boult Wade, S.L. in Spain (see separate Legal notice on this website).

Contact details: Salisbury Square House, 8 Salisbury Square, London EC4Y 8AP, United Kingdom. T: +44 (0)20 7430 7500; F: +44 (0)20 7430 7600; E:

Location-specific legal notices:

Boult generated this website text in part with GPT-3, OpenAI’s large-scale language-generated model. Upon generating draft language, Boult reviewed, edited and revised the language to our own liking and Boult takes ultimate responsibility for the content of this site.