Boult Wade Tennant
Sector » Industrial Manufacturing and Processing

Industrial Manufacturing and Processing

Areas of focus:

    Additive manufacturing
    Polymers and plastics
    Printing tech

The industrial manufacturing and processing sector covers a wide spectrum of manufacturing processes and materials, and is applied at a variety of scales, with clients from the very large to the very small.

As might be expected, a key challenge in this field is the environmental impact of material extraction and use. The cost and availability of raw materials drives innovation in the use of synthetic substitutes in a variety of manufacturing processes, so too does the need for greener manufacturing processes and alternative fuels which reduce the environmental impact. Other approaches to conserving resources have driven innovation in extending the lifetime of machine parts and equipment. Equally, with the solutions becoming more complex, there is a greater need for enhanced levels of precision to function. Addressing these key issues is an important priority for many of our clients.

The industrial manufacturing and processing team
Additive manufacturing is becoming ubiquitous in the field of industrial manufacturing, and we have helped clients protect innovations relating to this technology in diverse fields including aerospace components, racing cars and catalysts. We have also protected a variety of systems across the many ways of achieving additive manufacture, both in relation to the mechanism of manufacture, the materials used and the control systems associated with those.

We have numerous clients in the field of packaging, in particular in relation to food items and medical products, for whom high quality is incredibly important in view of their more stringent hygiene requirements. Our expertise stretches to the manufacture of microscopic products such as semiconductor devices and coatings.

At Boult we have experience in acting for clients in the field of construction, from multi-storey buildings, to piling systems, dealing both with the construction materials themselves, and with the methods of manufacture and associated equipment such as excavators, trucks and cranes.

“I love the variety inherent in the manufacturing and processing sector. Working on IP for huge international manufacturers, to working with small, cutting edge manufacturers is hugely rewarding.”

Dr Rohan Setna

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The industrial manufacturing and processing sector covers a wide spectrum of manufacturing processes and materials, and is applied at a variety of scales, with clients from the very large to the very small.

As might be expected, a key challenge in this field is the environmental impact of material extraction and use. The cost and availability of raw materials drives innovation in the use of synthetic substitutes in a variety of manufacturing processes, so too does the need for greener manufacturing processes and alternative fuels which reduce the environmental impact. Other approaches to conserving resources have driven innovation in extending the lifetime of machine parts and equipment. Equally, with the solutions becoming more complex, there is a greater need for enhanced levels of precision to function. Addressing these key issues is an important priority for many of our clients.

The industrial manufacturing and processing team
Additive manufacturing is becoming ubiquitous in the field of industrial manufacturing, and we have helped clients protect innovations relating to this technology in diverse fields including aerospace components, racing cars and catalysts. We have also protected a variety of systems across the many ways of achieving additive manufacture, both in relation to the mechanism of manufacture, the materials used and the control systems associated with those.

We have numerous clients in the field of packaging, in particular in relation to food items and medical products, for whom high quality is incredibly important in view of their more stringent hygiene requirements. Our expertise stretches to the manufacture of microscopic products such as semiconductor devices and coatings.

At Boult we have experience in acting for clients in the field of construction, from multi-storey buildings, to piling systems, dealing both with the construction materials themselves, and with the methods of manufacture and associated equipment such as excavators, trucks and cranes.

What sets us apart
The key to our approach is a deep understanding of the science and technology behind manufacturing processes and machinery. We invest time with our clients in understanding the underlying chemistry, engineering or physics of our clients’ IP. We can then apply it to the patent applications we draft. We always endeavour to speak to the inventor as that is often critical in creating patents that stand up to rigorous scrutiny.

Given the scope and scale of manufacturing as a field of IP, so much of what we do crosses over between specialisms. Nanotechnology draws upon our materials and electrical devices teams; metallurgy and alloys rely on support from our chemical team and our materials team. We provide our clients with cross-disciplinary support they need to meet the unique parameters of their IP – the right people, in the right team, is the foundation to a successful patent. We work closely as a multi-disciplinary team, and so regularly, that this is second nature to us, even on the most complicated of projects.

We are proud of our approach, and our record in the industrial manufacturing and processing sector speaks for itself. We have many longstanding clients, some of whom we have been supporting for decades. That, above all else, proves that we have the skills, personality and acumen to make a real difference for our clients.

Recent highlights

  • Assisting a multinational client in security documents, such as bank notes, passports, etc. The technologies involved span all areas of printing and document creation, with a particular focus on the use of inks with covert properties, for example fluorescence or magnetism. The work involves drafting and prosecution. In this highly contentious field, oppositions are also common, and the team regularly defends and attacks patents before the Opposition Divisions at the EPO.
  • Achieving the grant of a large family of solar cell applications for a major aeronautical manufacturer.
  • Successfully prosecuting a number of applications for improving electro-optical characteristics of coatings for a UK university spinout.

Industrial manufacturing and processing team


Tessa Bucks
Partner London
Martyn Draper
Partner London
Dr Susi Fish
Partner Reading
Adrian Hayes
Partner Reading
Paul Hicks
Partner Cambridge
Dr Simon Kahn
Partner London
Edward Morse
Partner London
Dr Jonathan Palmer
Partner Reading
Dr Jo Pelly
Partner Reading
Daryl Penny
Partner Reading
Dr Michelle Pratt
Partner London
Jonathan Pratt
Partner London
Matthew Ridley
Partner London
Dr Oliver Rutt
Partner London
Dr Rohan Setna
Partner London
Dr James Short
Partner London
Marcus Sims
Partner London
Neil Thomson
Partner Cambridge
Dr Nigel Tucker
Partner Reading
Daniel Weston
Partner London
Dr Nick Widdowson
Partner Cambridge

Senior associates

Dr Frances Baxter
Senior Associate Cambridge
Dr Adam Capewell
Senior Associate Reading
Sarah Le Mesurier
Senior Associate London
Heather Ponsford
Senior Associate London
Dr Victoria Russell
Senior Associate London
Dr Robert Waddingham
Senior Associate Cambridge


Dr Lucy Cunningham
Patent Attorney Cambridge
Christopher Jones
Patent Attorney London
Michael Kahan
Patent Attorney London
Olivia Murray
Patent Attorney London
Dr Thomas Ricketts
Patent Attorney Cambridge
David Smitten
European Patent Attorney Reading
Dr Jordan Waters
Patent Attorney London
Jade Watt
Patent Attorney Reading

Assistants and trainees

Claudia Bustamante
Patent Assistant London
Anna Jones
Patent Assistant London