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People » Dr Jonny Taylor

Dr Jonny Taylor

Patent Assistant


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  • CIPA, student membership
  • Certificate in Intellectual Property Law, Queen Mary University of London
  • PhD Materials Science, Imperial College London
  • MRes Neurotechnology, Imperial College London
  • MPhys Physics, University of Oxford

I assist with the preparation, filing and prosecution of patent applications in the UK, Europe and worldwide. I work on a range of technologies including semiconductors, medical devices, scientific instruments, software and heavy machinery. In addition, I regularly assist with intellectual property due diligence exercises for investment rounds in start-up companies.

I completed a MPhys in Physics at the University of Oxford, and later studied a MRes in Neurotechnology at Imperial College London, which included training in machine learning. My PhD in materials science at Imperial College London focused on developing a nanotechnology platform for treating brain tumours.

I have experience of university technology transfer from my research career, having patented a virus labelling technique, later developed into a spinout company for pathogen testing.

Recent experience

Assisting with an investment due diligence exercise for a venture-capital investment in a medical device company, evaluating a complex patent portfolio containing more than 40 patent families.

Involved in patent prosecution in fields relating to scientific instruments, medical devices and construction equipment.

  • TAYLOR, Jonathan; ROBB, Nicole; KAPANIDIS, Achillefs, Oxford University Innovation Limited, EP3874031A1
  • Robb, N.C., Taylor, J.M., Kent, A. et al. Rapid functionalisation and detection of viruses via a novel Ca2+-mediated virus-DNA interaction. Sci Rep 9, 16219 (2019).
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“I have experience of university technology transfer from my research career, having patented a virus labelling technique, later developed into a spinout company for pathogen testing.”
Sector Experience
Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning
  • Autonomous vehicles
  • Electric vehicles
  • Engines
Computing and Software
  • Artificial intelligence and machine learning
Electronics and Electrical Devices
  • Medical devices
  • Scientific instruments
  • Semiconductor devices
Energy and Green Technologies
  • Clean air
  • Advanced materials
  • Nanotechnology
Medical Devices and Diagnostics
  • Drug delivery
  • Medtech

I assist with the preparation, filing and prosecution of patent applications in the UK, Europe and worldwide. I work on a range of technologies including semiconductors, medical devices, scientific instruments, software and heavy machinery. In addition, I regularly assist with intellectual property due diligence exercises for investment rounds in start-up companies.

I completed a MPhys in Physics at the University of Oxford, and later studied a MRes in Neurotechnology at Imperial College London, which included training in machine learning. My PhD in materials science at Imperial College London focused on developing a nanotechnology platform for treating brain tumours.

I have experience of university technology transfer from my research career, having patented a virus labelling technique, later developed into a spinout company for pathogen testing.

Recent experience

Assisting with an investment due diligence exercise for a venture-capital investment in a medical device company, evaluating a complex patent portfolio containing more than 40 patent families.

Involved in patent prosecution in fields relating to scientific instruments, medical devices and construction equipment.

  • TAYLOR, Jonathan; ROBB, Nicole; KAPANIDIS, Achillefs, Oxford University Innovation Limited, EP3874031A1
  • Robb, N.C., Taylor, J.M., Kent, A. et al. Rapid functionalisation and detection of viruses via a novel Ca2+-mediated virus-DNA interaction. Sci Rep 9, 16219 (2019).
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