Boult Wade Tennant
News » Boult Pathways to Law and Engineering 2024 with the Sutton Trust

Boult held its latest Pathways to Law and Pathways to Engineering placements with the Sutton Trust in May 2024. The feedback we’ve received is strongly positive, with students who attended stating that they found the experience to be interesting, well-organised and beneficial, going away with improved core skills.

In particular, attendees described finishing the placements with greater motivation to achieve their career goals, a better understanding of the qualifications and skills needed to enter a legal or IP career, and greater understanding of potential career paths within the profession available to them.

Students interviewed after the event had this to say:

“I feel as though I have a much greater understanding of IP law and the routes to get into it. I’ve also learnt a lot of practical skills like CV writing, interviews, and skills needed to succeed in a career in trademark law.”

“I have gained the utmost confidence, skills, knowledge and skills about IP, patents, trademarks and copyright. During the CV writing session, I edited my CV along with the advice and engaged in the sessions.”

Overall, we are delighted that the majority of students felt more likely to enter the legal sector after their experience. Boult was the first IP firm to partner with the Sutton Trust and our work with the Pathways programmes is central to our social mobility strategy. We are committed to opening up new routes into the legal and IP industries for those from all backgrounds.

For more on our work with the Sutton Trust and our wider social mobility initiatives, see the responsible business section of our website.

Sector experience
Food and beverage
Artificial intelligence and machine learning
Consumer goods and retail
Trade marks
Industrial manufacturing and processing
Electronics and electrical devices
Communications and networks
Energy and green technologies
Medical devices and diagnostics 
Computing and software
Relevant sectors
Artificial intelligence and machine learning
Communications and networks
Computing and software
Consumer goods and retail
Electronics and electrical devices
Energy and green technologies
Food and beverage
Industrial manufacturing and processing
Medical devices and diagnostics 
Trade marks
Relevant sectors