Boult Wade Tennant
News » Boult Wade Tennant awarded top tier status by WTR 1000 2018

A great start to the new year for Boult Wade Tennant with our trade mark practice being recognised as a top tier firm in the World Trademark Review 2018 (WTR 1000) UK rankings. The firm has been noted as one that “never sacrifices quality and places the emphasis on providing a personal service”.

Several leading partners have also been highlighted for their prosecution and strategy work.

Managing Partner and Head of the Trade Mark and Domain Names practice group commented: “I am delighted with the news and would like to thank WTR 1000 for recognising our commitment to excellence. As head of the trade mark group I know exactly how hard our attorneys and support staff work to consistently go above and beyond what our clients expect. To be recognised by WTR 1000 for another consecutive year is a true testament to the dedication given by everyone at the firm”.

The full WTR 1000 listing can be found here.

Sector experience
Alimentación y bebidas
Bienes de consumo y comercio minorista
Inteligencia artificial y aprendizaje automático
Productos químicos
Fabricación y transformación industrial
Electrónica y dispositivos eléctricos
Telecomunicaciones y redes
Energía verde y energías renovables
Industria farmacéutica
Productos médicos y de diagnóstico
Informática y software
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Alimentación y bebidas
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Informática y software
Inteligencia artificial y aprendizaje automático
Productos médicos y de diagnóstico
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