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People » Matthew Ridley

Matthew Ridley



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  • CIPA – Chair of the Designs & Copyright Committee
  • EPI
  • UNION IP – Council member of the British Group
  • Registered UPC Representative
  • European Patent Attorney
  • Chartered Patent Attorney
  • Certificate in Intellectual Property Law, Queen Mary University of London
  • MEng (Hons) Mechanical Engineering, University of Bristol

My work as a Partner here is very varied as, whilst I work predominantly on patents, I also handle design protection and I am Head of the Practice Committee at our firm.

I have a background in mechanical engineering with particular patent experience in medical devices, energy generation and storage, security documents, road sweepers, marine vessels and construction and mining equipment.

I particular enjoy working on sizeable, high value projects in which I use a combination of my skills in patent law and design protection, such as previous work on the launches of a new medical device and a new household drinks machine. Such projects require detailed involvement in the overall IP strategy, as well as on more focused issues in design and patent infringement analysis and in the drafting and filing new patent and design applications.

I also have taken great pleasure in watching and supporting several of my, initially small, clients grow from one or two person businesses, through multiple funding rounds and into large employers with successful products. I have seen patents I obtained for clients be used in successful funding rounds, sold or licensed out to other companies and, perhaps with a little relief (!), survive opposition at the EPO (European Patent Office).

Alongside client work, I take an active role internally as Head of Practice Committee, ensuring our staff and processes remain up-to-date as the law and practices change across the matters we handle. I have been heavily involved in our firm’s response to issues arising from, for example, Brexit, the UPC (Unified Patent Court) and the move to videoconference oral proceedings at the EPO.

I have also taken on the role of Chair of the Designs & Copyright Committee at CIPA (Chartered Institute of Patent Attorneys). I’m looking forward to engaging with the UKIPO (UK Intellectual Property Office) on the myriad of upcoming issues, such as simplifying the UK design system and their significant IT transformation program.

Recent experience

Succeeding in opposing, both at first instance and upon appeal, a European patent owned by a competitor of a client.

Defending multiple European patents in a client’s portfolio against oppositions filed by competitors.

Filing and obtaining patents for a revolutionary new, low carbon, household heating system for an early-stage start-up, which has since grown considerably in headcount and funding.

Obtaining UK, EU and foreign registered designs for all manner of products, from apps to furniture.

Successfully invalidating UK registered designs in proceedings before the UKIPO.

Working with my German counterparts to defend our client’s EU registered designs against invalidation before the EUIPO Invalidity Division and Board of Appeal.

  • Would substantive examination benefit UK registered designs? CIPA Journal, Jan 3, 2022
  • The CITMA & CIPA Community Designs Handbook – Invalidity Chapter – Co-editor from 2018 to 2022
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“I particularly enjoy working on sizeable, high value projects in which I use a combination of my skills in patent law and design protection.”
Sector Experience
  • Autonomous vehicles
  • Electric vehicles
  • Engines
Consumer goods and retail
Energy and green technologies
  • Clean air
  • Fuel cells and battery technology
  • Renewables and recycling
  • Water, oil and gas, nuclear, fusion, fission
Food and beverage
Industrial manufacturing and processing
  • Packaging
  • Construction
Medical devices and diagnostics 
  • Devices
  • Diagnostic instruments
  • Digital health
  • Medtech

My work as a Partner here is very varied as, whilst I work predominantly on patents, I also handle design protection and I am Head of the Practice Committee at our firm.

I have a background in mechanical engineering with particular patent experience in medical devices, energy generation and storage, security documents, road sweepers, marine vessels and construction and mining equipment.

I particular enjoy working on sizeable, high value projects in which I use a combination of my skills in patent law and design protection, such as previous work on the launches of a new medical device and a new household drinks machine. Such projects require detailed involvement in the overall IP strategy, as well as on more focused issues in design and patent infringement analysis and in the drafting and filing new patent and design applications.

I also have taken great pleasure in watching and supporting several of my, initially small, clients grow from one or two person businesses, through multiple funding rounds and into large employers with successful products. I have seen patents I obtained for clients be used in successful funding rounds, sold or licensed out to other companies and, perhaps with a little relief (!), survive opposition at the EPO (European Patent Office).

Alongside client work, I take an active role internally as Head of Practice Committee, ensuring our staff and processes remain up-to-date as the law and practices change across the matters we handle. I have been heavily involved in our firm’s response to issues arising from, for example, Brexit, the UPC (Unified Patent Court) and the move to videoconference oral proceedings at the EPO.

I have also taken on the role of Chair of the Designs & Copyright Committee at CIPA (Chartered Institute of Patent Attorneys). I’m looking forward to engaging with the UKIPO (UK Intellectual Property Office) on the myriad of upcoming issues, such as simplifying the UK design system and their significant IT transformation program.

Recent experience

Succeeding in opposing, both at first instance and upon appeal, a European patent owned by a competitor of a client.

Defending multiple European patents in a client’s portfolio against oppositions filed by competitors.

Filing and obtaining patents for a revolutionary new, low carbon, household heating system for an early-stage start-up, which has since grown considerably in headcount and funding.

Obtaining UK, EU and foreign registered designs for all manner of products, from apps to furniture.

Successfully invalidating UK registered designs in proceedings before the UKIPO.

Working with my German counterparts to defend our client’s EU registered designs against invalidation before the EUIPO Invalidity Division and Board of Appeal.

  • Would substantive examination benefit UK registered designs? CIPA Journal, Jan 3, 2022
  • The CITMA & CIPA Community Designs Handbook – Invalidity Chapter – Co-editor from 2018 to 2022
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The end of the EPO’s ten-day notification rule


China to join Hague system for International Designs.


UKIPO acknowledges the possibility of a Formstein defence.


Upcoming deadline for filing UK applications.
