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News » Jonathan Pratt elected to CIPA Council

We are pleased to share that Patent Attorney Jonathan Pratt has been elected to the Council of the Chartered Institute of Patent Attorneys (CIPA).

Jonathan, and the other Council members, will work with CIPA assisting the Institute in achieving their objectives in both national matters, like the development of UK patent attorneys of the future and ensuring that intellectual property continues to be a diverse, inclusive and welcoming place to work, as well as international matters such as the UK negotiating new trade deals which may have implications on intellectual property.

Jonathan is a European Patent Attorney and Chartered Patent Attorney (UK) in the Engineering and Designs Group. He works extensively with small to medium-sized clients looking to start or grow their intellectual property portfolio, taking into account the commercial balance that is so important for such clients. Beyond this, Jonathan is interested in the development of the profession of Patent Attorneys – both in training new entrants and letting more people know about it as a career choice.

Read more about CIPA here:

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