Boult Wade Tennant
News » Catherine Wolfe to attend ECTA’s 35th Annual Conference

Partner Catherine Wolfe will be representing Boult Wade Tennant’s Trade Mark group at the European Communities Trade Mark Associations’ (ECTA) 35th Annual Conference next week. Delegates from various IP backgrounds from all over Europe and beyond will gather for the annual conference, which is taking place from 22-25 June in Dubrovnik, Croatia.

This year’s conference has been titled ‘Rogue Waves and Crosswinds: Trade Marks in Motion’. The emphasis of the conference will be on the coming into-force of the EU legislative package trade mark reform – a topic that has been extensively covered by Boult Wade Tennant over the past few months. Click here to view our recent webinar on the reform given by Trade Mark Partner Tony Pluckrose.

For further details on the conference, please visit the ECTA website.

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