Boult Wade Tennant


04 September, 2020
The Spirit of Ecstasy

To give a very brief history of Rolls Royce... back in 1904 two men started up a company to manufacture motor cars, thus Rolls Royce was born. In less than a decade the world changed drastically, the focus was on winning a war rather than owning a luxury motor car. Rolls Royce adapted to this change by developing and manufacturing aero-engines to power the military's aircraft. From then on the RR mark, representing the two men's last names Charles Rolls and Henry Royce, was an iconic symbol...

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28 August, 2020
Speaker systems get a new silicone coating

A company called xMEMS has recently boasted that its latest product, the xMEMS Montara speaker, is the first true monolithic MEMS speaker. They claim it is a potentially revolutionary step change in audio engineering by enhancing the use of piezoelectric effect to manufacture a microelectromechanical system (MEMS) speaker; providing the components of a speaker within a microchip. This may be comparable to the similar leap we saw in standard disk drives to solid state drive for computers.  The...

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Nicholas Widdowson 27 August, 2020
Another Apple patent reveals possible future tech

As a patent attorney with an interest in technology and music, this patent granted last month to Apple caught my eye. It seems that a future generation of AirPod might include two methods of transmitting music to listeners. The first is conventional sound waves into the listener's ear. The second generates vibrations in the listener's skull. I guess that would make for a more immersive experience. There's much to be learnt from the patent publications of tech companies and others. I've...

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Jonathan Pratt 07 August, 2020
Interesting Statistics on UKIPO Opinions

The UKIPO Opinions service is, in my humble view, a greatly underused resource for questions of validity or infringement, particularly those between smaller entities that are unlikely to make it into the courts. The costs are much cheaper than litigation, and the UKIPO issues the opinion typically within a few weeks. With the relatively short deadlines for response this means there can be an answer within a couple of months of filing the request for an Opinion. I was therefore very interested...

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Luke Portnow 05 August, 2020
Are you as keen as we are to see how a Supreme Court decision will be deployed?

Luke Portnow's article was first published in the July issue of CITMA Review, the journal of the Chartered Institute of Trade Mark Attorneys (CITMA). For more information on CITMA, please visit

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Luke Portnow 05 August, 2020
SkyKick: Sky did win despite finding of bad faith; however….

Broad trade mark specifications and terms are still acceptable at the UK and EU IPOs, but will likely come under significant scrutiny if relied upon where no commercial justification exists, and the UK Courts are free to draft their own “fair specification” during proceedings if a counterclaim for bad faith is filed. Particular note should be taken with Brexit: the UK could well move away from the more generous approach taken by the EU IPO, potentially moving closer towards the USPTO model,...

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Nicholas Widdowson 30 July, 2020
Postponement of in person European Patent Office Opposition Hearings for the rest of 2020

The EPO has decided to postpone all in person Opposition Hearings for the rest of 2020.  Not surprising given the complexity of travelling and the risks associated with bringing people together from all over Europe and beyond. If all participants agree for the Hearing to take place by video conference then it can go ahead.  Otherwise, it will be postponed. This is big news for a number of reasons. First, it is likely to push parties to video conference in complex cases where there are major...

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Sebastian Stephan 21 July, 2020
Digitalisation patents on the rise

The German Patent and Trade Mark Office recently published statistics in their diverting column "Number of the month" on the increase in patent applications in the field of digitalisation having effect in Germany. It is interesting to note that, in addition to the digitisation of existing technology and developments in digital technology, there has also been an increase in patent applications for "data processing methods for business management purposes" - of roughly 40% in relation to the...

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Nicholas Widdowson 20 July, 2020
BREAKING: UK Withdraws from Unified Patent Court

The UK Government has today announced that it has deposited notification of withdrawal of ratification of the Unified Patent Court Agreement. With Brexit, it always seemed unlikely that the UK would end up a part of the UPC. It seems the fate of the UK is now sealed. Whether the UPC project will proceed without the UK remains to be seen. More to follow.

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Charlotte Hrecinuc 20 July, 2020
Innovation remains robust in Europe, with record numbers of European patent applications filed in 2019

Earlier this month the European Patent Office (EPO) published their Annual Review, and it appears that 2019 was a good year for patents. The report shows that in 2019, the EPO received 181,406 European patent applications – a record number and up 4.0% from 2018, with a +3.3% growth in PCT applications and a +4.9% growth in direct EP applications. Furthermore, in 2019, the number of patent applications published by the EPO was up 8.0% compared to 2018. At the EPO, 2019 also saw the launch of a...

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17 July, 2020
Through the looking glass

A leak at Apple has announced the release of an unexplored range of technology for Apple. As previously discussed by Nicholas Widdowson, patent publications are a good source for understanding what might be surfacing in years to come. Apple has also been prolific for leaks regarding their new technology releases, especially around their annual seminar.  This most recent leak is regarding a piece of wearable technology, Apple glass. If you are well versed in wearable technology, companies such...

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Alex Stephenson 17 July, 2020
Bacteria engineered to produce spider silk

Spider silk has long been lauded as a Holy Grail among materials. Lightweight and durable, with a high tensile strength and impressive biocompatibility, this material's many advantages make it suitable for a broad range of applications. However, a number of issues, including limited yield and cannibalistic tendencies, make large-scale spider farming impractical. In this proof of concept study, researchers have engineered photosynthetic bacteria to express the MaSp1 protein, a key component in...

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Jade Watt 16 July, 2020
Artificial Intelligence as inventor?

In widely discussed decisions of February this year, the European Patent Office (EPO) refused two applications filed for inventions allegedly invented by an Artificial Intelligence (AI) called “DABUS”. Their reasoning being that DABUS did not fulfil the necessary formal inventor requirements, since under the European Patent Convention (EPC), the term ‘inventor’ refers only to a natural person, of which AI is not (see our bulletin here). In the latest development, appeals have now been filed...

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Nicholas Widdowson 09 July, 2020
Latest Court of Appeal judgement in the series of "HOSEGATE" patent litigation cases is now out

In the last few years, there has been a series of cases on infringement and validity of patents relating to garden hose pipes.  The judgement in latest in the series - before the Court of Appeal - was published yesterday. A full report will follow on the firm's website but here are a few preliminary comments. First, the Court of Appeal completely avoids having to review the part of the High Court decision on disclosure by prior use.  The inventor had tested the hose in his front garden before...

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Thomas Davis 02 July, 2020
NHS says "yes" to life-changing cystic fibrosis treatment

Great news for many people with cystic fibrosis (CF) as NHS England agrees a deal for the three-drug combination therapy Kaftrio (Trikafta in the US). This comes just days after a positive opinion on Kaftrio was adopted by the Committee for Medicinal Products for Human Use (CHMP). In negotiating the deal, NHS England has also ensured that equivalent terms will be offered to the health service systems in Northern Ireland, Scotland and Wales.  There is currently no cure for CF but it is thought...

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