Boult Wade Tennant

Boult Wade Tennant ranked top tier by Legal 500

Boult Wade Tennant is proud to announce the firm has been ranked in the top tier by Legal 500 UK, in both

Boult Wade Tennant ‘highly recommended’ by IAM 1000 The world’s leading patent professionals 2018

We are pleased to announce that Boult Wade Tennant has again been listed as ‘highly recommended’ in IAM Patent 1000’s ‘The world’s

Boult Wade Tennant reaches for the stars

For another consecutive year, our partners have been identified as IP Stars by Managing Intellectual Property. The list contains individuals that the

Donna Trysburg published in May CITMA Review -Infringement arguments put to bed

[2018] EWHC 26 (IPEC), Birlea Furniture Ltd v (1) Platinum Enterprise (UK) Ltd and (2) Mr Mohammed Raheel Baig, IPEC, 11th January

New partner announcement – Matthew Ridley promoted to partner

Boult Wade Tennant is pleased to announce that Matthew Ridley is to become the latest partner at the firm with effect from

Boult Wade Tennant ranked top tier for Patent Prosecution by MIP IP stars

Following our recent announcement of the firm being ranked top tier by MIP IP Stars for Trade Mark Prosecution, MIP have now

Boult Wade Tennant ranked top tier for Trade Marks in MIP’s IP Stars, 2018

Boult Wade Tennant is delighted to announce our Trade Mark practice has once again been recognised by Managing Intellectual Property IP Stars

The Biotechnology and Life Sciences group discuss CRISPR with Biotech and Money

Patent Attorney Edward Ronan and Trainee Patent Attorney Nadia Tyler-Rubinstein cover the latest developments in the case against CRISPR with Biotech and

Boult Wade Tennant awarded top tier status by WTR 1000 2018

A great start to the new year for Boult Wade Tennant with our trade mark practice being recognised as a top tier

Patent Attorney featured in latest edition of the CIPA Journal

Boult Wade Tennant Patent Attorney in London Matthew Ridley has contributed to the latest edition of the CIPA Journal. His article entitled